Friday, December 3, 2010

A Child Love...

When I thought about writing the blog, I had nothing in my mind. Then the message which I received from one of my friend just occurred to my mind and I thought that I should share it here. Its stated as:

"Once a Son was scratching the new bought car with a stone.When Dad saw this, he slapped his son so severely that the death of son occurred at the instance. Dad cried on his cruel attitude. Suddenly, he came to the shock when he saw that its was written on the car
Does things are more important than relations? Don`t you think that we all are running towards materialistic things without even realizing the value of relations? The bitter truth is YES!!!! We think that only money and our living standard is more important. Relations can only carry on for life time if we have a lot of money in our pocket. But your blood ones don't demand money from you, they only need is your attention and affection. Which you can provide them without even earning a lot of money or fame.

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