Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Funny World!!!!

Well, I think that we are living in a very funny world.....Don`t you agree? OK. Let me prove it to you....

If swimming is good exercise to remain SMART, then why are whales fat?

Why is the place in stadium where people SIT, called STAND?
 Wait! Still had many to tell you.

Shall I say that there is racial discrimination even in chess as the WHITE piece is moved FIRST?

In every country, you have freedom of SPEECH then why do we have TELEPHONE BILLS?
On this issue, every housewife agree with me. As this is their favorite hobby..... :D

Why does not Glue stick to its own bottle?
Now you agree that there are many things in our world which actually contradict with the other thing... So what we should call it? A FUNNY WORLD........

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