Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Best Tips To Get Soft Skin At Home

The skin is often known as the major organ of the human body. Beauty is not just an outer look. It is a complete harmony from within that can be felt and sensed by others from the way you present yourself. Beauty of the skin starts from inside your body! Your skin wants fresh air, exercise, a proper diet, minerals and vitamins and it wants protection from the sun. The skin must be clean on a regular basis. If enough care is taken it will become cracked or irritated. Unclean skin favors the growth of pathogenic organisms. Sunlight, water and air play an important role in keeping the skin healthy.

Sorry to say, a large part of how our skin appears is dependent on the weather circumstances in the geographical location of a person, genetics and lifestyle. Taking care of skin, due to these factors, is not a very simple task. You can use home-based face packs to improve skin texture and your features, but this is a continuous process and skin care needs a lot of attention on a regular basis. The best home remedies for fair complexion are ones that prevent you from environmental pollutants, UV rays, and stress.

All these together can make the skin show stressed, tired, and matured. You may also begin to get blemishes on the skin. To avoid the skin from appearing thus marked, regular cleaning is important. A good healthy diet and adequate rest is also important in ensuring that your skin remains youthful and beautiful. If you are wondering how to make face pack at home, it is not very difficult. Read on to find more about home-based face packs. Here are some home-based tips for a fair skin.

Clear soft Skin Tips:
     1.      Mash a banana with milk and apply on face and leave it for 20 minutes. Wash it with cold water to get a skin that will shine.
2.      Make a paste by mixing 2 tablespoon turmeric powder in orange juice. Rub it on your face and neck and leave it for 20 minutes. Clean it with cold water.
3.      Powder mango peels and mix 1 teaspoon milk powder and rub on face, neck, and hands. Clean it off after 15 minutes.

4.      Mix one cup of sugar with 1 tablespoon fresh lemon / lime juice. While taking bath, lather your body and face heavily with a soft soap like Dove. Rub the whole body and face with the sugar mixture on the lather.
5.      Mix corn (polenta) flour with egg white and apply on your face. When your face is dry completely in about 1/2 an hour, put your fingers in hot water and massage your face. Repeat daily for 10-15 days.

6.      Mix 3 teaspoons of baby oil and 2 teaspoons of sugar together. Rub your hands, feet or any part and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse it off with hot water.

7.      Boil cabbage in water. Rinse your face with this water.

8.      Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply on face for overnight. Smear on hands and feet, and rinse off in the morning (wear gloves in hands and socks in feet).

9.      A paste of the fresh fenugreek leaves, applied on the face prevents pimples, blackheads, dryness of the face and early look of wrinkles.

10.  Apply honey on your face and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water. Your skin will blush and become soft and smooth.

11.  Make a paste of one teaspoon of walnut powder, honey and lemon juice. Rub your face with this paste and leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water.
       12.   Mix egg white with honey and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water.

Some More Tips to get a Clear Smooth Skin:

      1.      Use of Honey makes the skin soft and smooth, reduces wrinkles and brings a shine.
      2.      Pimples can also be cured with a light massage of rose and sevti flowers extract. The extract is easily prepared by distilling a number of flowers in a distilling apparatus. The extract should be applied on the pimples three times a day.3.      Apply raw sliced potato on the face. Reduces blemishes and other scars.

4.      Cucumber juice is an excellent astringent. Applying cucumber juice on the face tightens the pores. Wash it off after 15 minutes.

5.       Applying turmeric powder along with lime juice removes the tan. Lime juice is natural bleach. Rubbing ice cubes on the face tightens the pores and increases blood circulation.

v  Make sure that you’re not allergic to the products used on your face.
v  Try not to use too many harsh products; it could make your face worse.
v  Don’t apply the blackhead cream all over. If you do this, your face will become dry and peeling in the future and increase in swelling and redness.

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